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What is a subnet?

A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network. Subnets make networks more efficient. Through subnetting, network traffic can travel a shorter distance without passing through unnecessary routers to reach its destination.

Subnetting allows creating smaller network (sub networks or subnets) inside a large network by borrowing bits from the Host ID portion of the address. The borrowed bits can be used to create additional networks, resulting in smaller-sized networks. This can help to reduce :

  • Wastage
  • Improve network performance
  • Effective isolation
  • Easier administration
In this section, you are expecting to show the calculation on how to identify the IP address that was assigned for the OnlineLearning System Server based on the information given in the project scenario. Explain the concept and show the calculation to identify the IP address.

Step 1 is to propose a private addressing system for usage in the Cobham Collage campus network. In term of private addressing scheme, our Cobham Collage campus network is using Class C private network addressing which is In this case Cobham Collage, there are 7 different facilities with 1 IT center. Each facility is given their network address respectively. From this network address , the 5th available address is assigned as the address of the Online Learning System Server. 

FLSM to determine subnetting depending on the number of the faculties.

As listed above in the table, these are the addresses which have been subdivided into 8 subnets with network IDs, usable host IDs and broadcast IDs. The IT Center in Cobham Collage is assigned in the 8th subnet which ranges from - In these range of addresses, the first address ( is used as the network ID and the last address ( is used as the broadcast ID. The Online Learning System Server is assigned as the 5th address in the 30 usable host ID's.

Hence, the Online Learning System Server address is /27.
